
Introducing TypeScript

Large-scale JavaScript application development.

Remo H. Jansen - @RemoHJansen -

Why we need

"Controlling complexity
is the essence of
computer programming"

— Brian Kernighan

What we know about software complexity?

Complex !== Complicated

- Complicated implies being difficult to understand but with time and effort, ultimately knowable.

- Complex, describes the interactions between a number of entities. If the number of entities and interactions between them increase we will get to a point where it would be impossible to know and understand all of them.


“As a system evolves, its complexity increases unless steps are taken to reduce it.”

- "The eight laws of software evolution" by Meir Lehman

How can we measure the complexity of software?

Chidamber & Kemerer
object-oriented metrics suite

1. Number of methods defined in class (WMC)

2. Depth of inheritance tree (DIT)

3. Number of immediate sub-classes of a class (NOC)

4. Number of classes to which a class is coupled (CBO)

Note: The Chidamber & Kemerer object-oriented metrics suite is one of
the most common ways of measuring complexity of a system but there are
many other principles and techniques which can be applied for this purpose.

How can we reduce the complexity of a system?

The SOLID principles

Single responsibility principle

Open/Close principle

Liskov substitution principle

Interface segregation principle

Dependency inversion principle

Note: Adhering to the SOLID principles is one of the most common ways to reduce
the complexity of a system but there are many other principles and techniques which
can be applied for this purpose.

The principles, when applied together, intend to make it more likely that a programmer will create a system that is easy to maintain and extend over time

So why do we
need TypeScript?

We can write SOLID OOP code with JavaScript (ES5) but it feels so unnatural .

ES6 and ES7 make writing SOLID OOP code more natural but it will be years before we can use them without having to worry about old browsers.

Note: Some JavaScript developers don't like when I say this but I think that doing things like using closures to emulate a private property is not what I would consider as natural OOP (using the "private" access modifier).

TypeScript is the future of JavaScript

TypeScript allow us to use ES6 and ES7 today!

We can use the --target compiler option to specify ECMAScript target version: 'ES3' (default), 'ES5', or 'ES6'.

ES5 class

var Person = (function () {
    function Person(name, surname) { = name;
        this.surname = surname;
    Person.prototype.greet = function () {
        return "Hello! my name is " + + " " + this.surname;
    return Person;

ES6 class

class Person {
    public name;
    public surname;

    constructor(name, surname) { = name;
    this.surname = surname;

    public greet() {
    return `Hello! my name is ${} ${this.surname}`;

ES5 inheritance

var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function (d, b) {
    for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
    function __() { this.constructor = d; }
    __.prototype = b.prototype;
    d.prototype = new __();

var Animal = (function () {
    function Animal(theName) { = theName;
    Animal.prototype.move = function (meters) { /* ... */ };
    return Animal;

var Snake = (function (_super) {
    __extends(Snake, _super);
    function Snake(name) {, name);
    Snake.prototype.move = function (meters) {
        /* ... */, meters);
    return Snake;

ES6 inheritance

class Animal {
    constructor(theName: string) { = theName; }
    move(meters: number = 0) { /* ... */ }

class Snake extends Animal {
    constructor(name: string) { super(name); }
    move(meters = 5) {
        /* ... */

ES5 module (RequireJS)

], function (kernel, FilterStateModel) {

    // code goes here ...


ES6 modules

import { kernel } from "./source/inversify.config";
import { FilterStateModel } from "./source/inversify.config";

// code goes here ...

We can use the --module compiler option to specify module code generation: 'commonjs', 'amd', 'system', or 'umd'.

Callbacks (ES5)

Parse.User.logIn("user", "pass", {
    success: function(user) {
        success: function(results) {
        results[0].save({ key: value }, {
            success: function(result) {
            // the object was saved.

Promises (ES6)

Parse.User.logIn("user", "pass").then(function(user) {
    return query.find();
}).then(function(results) {
    return results[0].save({ key: value });
}).then(function(result) {
    // the object was saved.
Promise.all([Primise1, Primise2, PrimiseN]).then(function() {
    console.log("all the files were created");

Async Functions (ES7)

async function updateEntity() {
    var success = false;
    var user = await Parse.User.logIn(user, pass);
    if(user !== null) {
    let results = await query.find();
    success = await results[0].save({ key: value };
    return success;

await updateEntity();
if(success) {
    // the object was saved.

Decorators (ES6)

    selector: 'todo-app',
    appInjector: [
    bind(Firebase).toValue(new Firebase(''))
    templateUrl: 'todo.html',
    directives: [NgFor]
class TodoApp {
    todoService: FirebaseArray;
    todoEdit: any;
    todoFilter: Boolean;

    constructor(sync: AngularFire) {
    this.todoService = sync.asArray();
    this.todoEdit = null;
    this.todoFilter = null;

    editTodo($event, todo) {
    this.todoEdit = todo;


TypeScript goes beyond
ES6 & ES7

TypeScript is not a dynamic programming language
and introduces some great features that are not available
in ES6 or ES7!

Type inference

function f() {
    return "hello";

Code editors can incorporate the TypeScript language service.


Optional type annotations

function f(s: string) { return s; }
// It is also possible to define the type of a function using the optional type annotations
var f : (s: string) => string;
f = function(s: string) { return s; }


interface ISerializable { serialize() : string; }
interface IMainSkill { use() : bool; }

interface IPerson {
    name : string;
    surname : string;
    greet() : string;

class MockMainSkill implements IMainSkill {
    use() { return true; }

describe("Person Class", () => { // TDD & BDD
    it("should be able to greet", () => {
    var mainSkill = new MockMainSkill(); // SOLID: Liskov substitution principle
    var luke : IPerson = new Person("Luke", "Skywalker", mainSkill);
    expect(luke.greet()).to.equal("Hello! my name is Luke Skywalker");

class Person implements IPerson, ISerializable { // SOLID: Interface segregation principle
    private _skill : IMainSkill; // SOLID: Dependency inversion principle
    public name : string;
    public surname : string;
    constructor(name: string, surname: string, skill : IMainSkill) { /* ... */ }
    greet() : string { /* ... */ };
    serialize() : string { /* ... */ };

Generics Types

interface IValidatable {
    validate() : void;

class CustomCollection<T extends IValidatable> { // SOLID: Open/Close principle
    private itemArray: Array<T>;

    constructor() {
        this.itemArray = [];

    Add(item: T) {
    // ...

class User implements IValidatable{
    public name;
    validate() { if(name === null) throw new Error(); }

class Message implements IValidatable{
    public message;
    validate() { if(message === null) throw new Error(); }

var myMessage = new CustomCollection<Message>();
var myUsers = new CustomCollection<User>();
myUsers.Add(new User());
myUsers.Add(new Message()); // Error because of generic type validation

Ok... you have convinced me but I have already started my project with Vanilla JavaScript...

Good news! TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript

All your JavaScript code is already valid TypeScript code.

Want to learn more?

Pre-order now! or join our next meetup for a chance
to win a free physical copy of my upcoming book.


Do you have any questions?

Remo H. Jansen - @RemoHJansen -